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View Loretta Bennett’s artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. Learn about the artist and see available works for sale.
Loretta Bennett Quilt artist Huntsville, Alabama 144 connections. Join to Connect. Sew-Lolo Quilt Foundation. Report this profile; Activity. I'm making room for my new collection, so all Gee's ...Title: Quilt artist
Loretta Pettway Bennett I came to realize that my mother, her mother, my aunts, and all the others from Gee’s Bend had sewn the foundation, and all I had to do now was thread my own needle and piece a quilt together. I was born December 29, 1960, in Gee’s Bend, Alabama.
Loretta Pettway Bennett. Recently in The New York Times Gee's Bend Quilts in 2 Shows at Lehman College By MARTHA SCHWENDENER Art Ltd. "artist profile: Loretta Bennett" by Suzanne Beal Open pdf. Loretta Pettway Bennett, Greg Kucera Gallery Installation Views 2012 Quilts. THE DRUNK BRICKLAYER, 2017 Quilted fabric 43.25 x 37.5 inches $5,500 LAZY GAL, 2017
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Loretta Pettway Bennett (Gee's Bend)
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Loretta Bennett
Loretta Bennett, along with Louisiana Bendolph, is among the younger generation of quilt makers whose work was included in the national touring exhibition Gee’s Bend: The Architecture of the Quilt. Bennett’s bold, colorful designs help move the Gee’s Bend legacy into the future.
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