Interested in Louis Lemaire Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Louis Lemaire Artist.
Artist Louis Marie Lemaire "Born in France in 1824, there is very little recorded detail of the life of this renowned artist. His images of flowers, marine life and country scenes were all painted in oils and of exquisite detail. Lemaire was a student of Dupré and Boulard.
Description: Louis-marie Lemaire French, 1824-1910 Lilacs And Peonies With A Porcelain Vase In The Garden signed Louis Lemaire lower right oil on canvas 54.375 by 45.25in. 138.1 by 114.9cm Exhibited Paris, Salon des Artistes francais, 1882, no. 1638 Bordeaux, …
Lemaire was a student of Sebastien de Brossard who was the organist at Meaux Cathedral. Becoming a noted vocal composer in Paris he was already published in 1712 by Ballard: notably a volume of airs.…
LOUIS MARIE LEMAIRE FRENCH 1824-1910 Chickens In the Yard Painting. Celestial Images. $24. ... Le Sommeil de Manon by Madeleine-Jeanne Lemaire Classical Fine Art Old Masters Reproduction Painting. Xzendor7. $101. More from This Artist Similar Designs. Lemaire Charles ed GARDEN FLORIST Painting.
Louis Marie Lemaire (French, 1824–1910)Nationality: French
Artists; Louis Marie Lemaire; Looking for the value of an item? Visit our price data subscription page for options. Access Prices Access Prices. Louis-Marie Lemaire, French 1824-1910 , Girl Picking Roses oil on canvas. Louis-Marie LEMAIRE (1824-1910 Fleurs fraîchement.
Louis Lemaire (2) [a5863037] Artist . Edit Artist ; Share
Louis Marie Lemaire (1824 - 1910) was active/lived in France. Louis Lemaire is known for Painting.
askART, an artist directory with millions of worldwide artists' paintings and art - Auction records and results, artwork prices, valuations, signatures, images and artist biographies. ... Louis Marie Lemaire was active/lived in France. Louis Lemaire is known for painting. The Artist. Auction Records. Buy / Sell.
33 askART auction records for the artist: Louis Marie Lemaire. Louis Marie Lemaire (1824 - 1910) was active/lived in France. 0 of 33 auction records are upcoming at auction.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Louis Lemaire Artist through the links above.