Interested in Magnificent Artists Management? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Magnificent Artists Management.

About / Contact — Magnificent Artists
    About Us. At Magnificent Artist Management, we nourish the careers of musicians. Whether promoting a brand new artist to industry or booking an international tour for a household name, our approach is 'hands on' - with the kind of attention to detail only a boutique agency can afford.

News — Magnificent Artists
    Magnificent Artists Humanist Reveal Debut Album (Ignition Records) Kate Smith February 25, 2020. High Praise for 'Somebody's Knocking' High Praise for ‘Somebody’s Knocking’ Read More. Kate Smith October 24, 2019 'Humanist' (aka Rob Marshall) unveils his latest single 'English Ghosts' ...

The 50 Best Artist Management Companies Worldwide
    Brilliant Corners Artist Management is dedicated to growing and nurturing the careers of artists with rare talent. The company prides itself on its ability to balance creative collaboration and robust client service. Their client list includes Death Cab for Cutie, The New Pornographers, and The Postal Service. 8.

37 Best Artist Management Agencies In 2021 - Omari MC
    MAAD Management: “Michael “Mike” Trampe is a rising media entrepreneur, promoter, speaker, accomplished marketer and social media director. Destined for greatness in this industry, he started out as a DJ at 14 years old, so music has always played a major role in Mike’s career.

The Magnificent Seven - The model of ”the five plus two ...,4127
    "The magnificent seven” will be in action next in Kenya to support streets artists in their professional career as well as in Brazil to turn professional Samba dancers, who usually work as freelancers in a very competitive business environment of entertainment, into performing art entrepreneurs with focus on cultural event management.

Home - Magnificent Creatures
    We are Magnificent Creatures Management; a new and young indie/alternative management. Discovering new upcoming artists and guiding them to a succesful international career is what we do! Based in the southern part of the Netherlands, we have connections with a lot of international venues, labels and events.

About — Kate Louise Smith
    Despite these music successes, Kate has found the music business to be one in which its extremely difficult for mid-level artists to make a reasonable living, and realising the distinct lack of income available to artists like herself (particularly in the streaming era), Kate is now working as a management consultant for Magnificent Artists ...

The Magnificent Agency Booking Management Music
    Office +44 (0) 1297 442 333; Mobile +44 (0) 7947 180 207; Email

The Leading Artist Managers Platform ManagersPro
    100,000+ Artist-Managers available. Are you an artist manager? List your management services on Managers Pro. ...

The Deals: Loki Artist Group Invests in Title 9 Billboard
    Full-service management, production, ... “Working with Brooklyn Made allows us to open these magnificent doors to more great artists and music lovers than ever before. We can’t wait to start ...

We hope you have found all the information you need about Magnificent Artists Management through the links above.

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