Interested in Mark Dennis Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Mark Dennis Artist.
Paintings - Marc Dennis is an American artist known for his hyper-realistic and strikingly detailed paintings of subtly staged and slightly voyeuristic images of contemporary American culture. Marc Dennis …
The flower of Life is a pattern found in the art of various cultures throughout history, and can be used to show placement of the 7 chakras. From this you can derive Metatron's cube, which contains 3-dimensional outlines of the 5 platonic solids; fundamental shapes found throughout structures in nature. It's an odd thing to find out that if you ...
How I ended up here. I’ve spent a lifetime trying to figure out what I should be doing with myself. I guess everyone does, but most folks appear to find/ fall into a “career” at some point, where life has kept me searching a while longer. I finished uni in 2015 with Degrees in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, but the oil market crash ...Location: 1F1, 1 ROSENEATH PLACE Edinburgh United Kingdom
Mark Dennis. Like a Dream Upon Waking This piece was inspired by one of my favourite films, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The connection between dreams, psychedelic states and what the character Joel experiences in the film is something I find to be a fascinating avenue of thought. The Mitchell Library One of my favourite buildings in ...Location: 1F1, 1 ROSENEATH PLACE Edinburgh United Kingdom
Drive-by in the far north Unknown location in the far north of the Scottish highlands - shot from the window of a moving car. Looking down from Sgùrr nan Eugallt Looking down from Sgùrr nan Eugallt - facing north west. Moonrise From Big Sands Moonrise From Big Sands Beach.Location: 1F1, 1 ROSENEATH PLACE Edinburgh United Kingdom
MADSCULPTOR THE PORTRAIT ART OF MARK A. DENNIS About Us Exterior Epoxy Architectural epoxy sculptures for your home and garden Polymer Clay One of a kind Art Dolls Education Classes and teaching aids Blog New work and free information Portraits Have a keepsake crafted in either polymer clay or epoxy Get In Touch 669.…
Mark Dennis. Native to York County, PA. Mark Dennis has a BA in Technical Theatre from Mansfield State College. Developing his sculpting skills in multiple mediums, Mark evolved into one of the top doll makers. Currently he has opted to return to a relaxed style by utilizing architectural epoxy in which he can direct-sculpt portraits and animals.
Known as the "Mad Sculptor" this gifted artist has created dolls for over 20 years. Mark can sculpt nearly anything! Portrait, character, period, whimsical, fantasy and of course story book dolls all come to life with a touch of Mark's creative imagination.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Mark Dennis Artist through the links above.