Interested in Martyn Dempsey Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Martyn Dempsey Artist.

Abstracts — Martyn Dempsey
    The Gallery, 44 Fore Street, Port Isaac, Cornwall PL29 3RD 07974 852357

Martyn Dempsey - St Mawes Gallery
    Martyn Dempsey hails from Manchester, however after a visit to Newquay at the age of 16 when he quickly became a self-confessed 'surfing addict', he soon realised that Cornwall was where he needed to be.His great love of the sea spurred on his passion for art and inspired him to start painting on canvas - a new medium for him at the time - and sculpting.

Latest News - Martyn Dempsey
    Martyn Dempsey Director, Theatre Maker, Performer and Writer/Composer. ... In 2018/19 Martyn was also one of 10 artists supported through the BEAM Follow Up scheme with Mercury Musical Development and Musical Theatre Network at the National Theatre of Scotland, and has recently completed an MEd Learning and Teaching in the Performing Arts at ...

MartynDempsey - The Art of Cornwall
    MARTYN DEMPSEY Martyn is a contemporary abstract painter, living and working in Port Isaac, Cornwall. Martyn has worked at his unique style for over 20 years and recently has been studying at the Florence Studio d'arte Toscanella for 3 years. His new Abstract series was painted to be exhibited in the Fornaciai Art Gallery, Florence.

Robb Reader: Cornwall Artist Martyn Dempsey – Robb …
    Aug 17, 2020 · Robb Reader: Cornwall Artist Martyn Dempsey How a journey south-west proved to be an act of artistic enlightenment to a British painter and sculpture whose work is a restorative salve for these tricky times. By Nick Scotton August 17, 2020
    l: large cornish crab sand cast in brass and hand finished in dark bronze and gold patina.

We hope you have found all the information you need about Martyn Dempsey Artist through the links above.

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