Interested in Maud Wagner Tattoo Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Maud Wagner Tattoo Artists.
May 18, 2017 · Meet Maud Wagner. Contortionist and aerialist, she was a circus performer and, above all, the first know female tattoo artist in the United States. Hers is a story of love, tattoos and fame. Born in February 1877 in Lyon County, Kansas, Maud Stevens was a performer travelling with circuses and sideshows when she met her husband-to-be Gus Wagner at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (a …Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Born in Kansas in 1877, Maud was the first female tattoo artist in the United States. She began her adult life as a circus performer, working within various travelling circuses. In the early 1900s, while working within the St Louis World’s Fair as an acrobat, aerialist and contortionist, she met Gus Wagner. Gus Wagner was known as the ‘Tattooed Globetrotter’.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Apr 13, 2014 · Maud Wagner was one such sideshow performer. Youtube Gus Wagner tattooing Maud Wagner. Born Maud Stevens in 1877, the Lyon County, Kansas native began her career in the arts as a performer, working as an aerialist, acrobat, and contortionist along the carnival circuit. Throughout her youth, Wagner traveled with local circus acts and sideshows.Author: All That's Interesting
The first female professional Tattoo artist in the US. Born as Maud Stevens in Lyon County, Kansas. She was an acrobat, that throughout her youth, she worked in various traveling circuses as an aerialist and contortionist. At the age of 27 (1904), while performing at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, she met Gus Wagner – a tattoo artist who was referred to as the Tattooed Globetrotter.
Oct 02, 2017 · Meet Maud Wagner – the first female tattoo artist in the USA, a renowned circus artist and probably the most tattooed woman of her time. Maud Stevens Wagner – America’s first female tattoo artist – was born in Kansas in 1877. She was a circus performer, an acrobat, aerialist, and contortionist. For most of her adult life, she worked in various traveling circuses passing through the whole country.Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
We hope you have found all the information you need about Maud Wagner Tattoo Artists through the links above.