Interested in Muriel Nellis Literary & Creative Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Muriel Nellis Literary & Creative Artists.
Muriel Nellis: LCA, Inc. - Literary and Creative Artists: 3543 Albemarle Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008: phone 202-362-4688: years 27: web
Sep 06, 2018 · Publishing Agent Muriel Nellis is an agent at Literary and Creative Artists. She founded Literary and Creative Artists in 1981. Book Agent Muriel Nellis has strong business relationships with major trade houses and imprints. She currently represents over 80 authors.
Ms. Muriel Nellis Literary and Creative Artists, Inc. 3543 Albemarle Street, NW. Washington, DC 20008. Website: AAR Member: Yes. Accepts Queries Via...
Literary and Creative Artists, Inc. - Muriel Nellis. Agent. Muriel Nellis. Does not accept unsolicited queries. Agency. Literary and Creative Artists, Inc. 3543 …
Apr 26, 2019 · Literary and Creative Artists is located in the District of Columbia. Founded by Muriel Nellis in 1981, Literary and Creative Artists is now one of the largest, most active literary agencies in the Washington area. We have solid business relationships with all the major trade houses and their imprints, and currently represent over eighty writers.
FICTION GENRES: Literary Fiction Mystery Commercial Fiction Humor/Satire Family Saga Multi-Cultural
Muriel Nellis, President/CEO at Literary and Creative Artists, Washington, DC. Travel Olde Heurich Brewing. The Delta Shuttle Sheet - November, 2000; by Karen Feld.
Whether sleuthing out factual material or the unique colorations of the talent or skills of performers, Karen’s voice’ and insight adapts to the medium and new outlets in the entertainment and political realms. Karen is facile, professional and alive!” Muriel Nellis, President/CEO at Literary and Creative Artists, Washington, DC
We hope you have found all the information you need about Muriel Nellis Literary & Creative Artists through the links above.