Interested in Nancy Farrell Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Nancy Farrell Artist.
Nancy Farrell Visual Artist. Painting. Non Objective. Non-Objective paintings do not have an identifiable person, place or thing. These free-flowing paintings focus on intuitive and expressive mark making, shape and colour. 46 Photos. Abstract Landscape.
Nancy Farrell Fine Artist. 191 likes. Visual artist Nancy Farrell has 35 years experience in sculpture and painting.
Coming up soon I will be a guest artist at the Art District Art Gallery in Kitchener. More details later, but I will have my first showing of my Yukon paintings…really looking forward to that. This entry was posted in Arts events and tagged Yukon painting on March 19, 2019 by Nancy Farrell .
I have had my eye on Nancy Farrell’s artwork for a long time. I knew a little bit about her personal art journey, but I knew more about her artwork than about her. This week I had the privilege to interview this strong and talented artist.
NANCY FARRELL. Nancy was interviewed as she was preparing for the 1998 Guelph Studio Tour. Nancy Farrell works in a number of different mediums. She sculpts, she paints, and she works with pastels. She frequently sculpts from models, and produces both figurative work and landscapes in painting and pastels.
Nancy maintains studio space at the Williams Mill Artists Studio (Millrun Studio) in Glen Williams, Ontario, with regular open hours Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00. For further information contact, e-mail Nancy at Email: or phone 519-823-0836 Interview with Nancy Farrell "Actaeon Saved"
Farrell Dietitian Services, 231 Park Hill Drive, Suite A (Inside ABC Pediatrics), Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-479-3404
We hope you have found all the information you need about Nancy Farrell Artist through the links above.