Interested in Nguyen Ly Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Nguyen Ly Artist.
Nguyen Ly is a fine printmaker, artist and arts educator. He has a natural talent for teaching and brings out the best from his students. I would also recommend him as a curator, because he has a ...Title: Fine Artist / Printmaking Instructor
Nguyen Ly Vortex, 2019 Collagraph & Serigraph, Ed. of 32 26”x20” Artist Statement: My goal for this edition was to create a texture-rich and multilayered experimental print that combined collagraphy with Serigraph. I chose collagraphy for its inherent textural quality and was intrigued by
Nguyen Ly. 772 likes. Personal Blog
Nguyen Ly. 836 likes. Personal Blog
Original Paintings by Nguyen Ly Phuong Ngoc. RAINY DAY 13.5x20" oil on paper, abstract lines, original painting by Nguyen Ly Phuong Ngoc $325.00 SAILING LAKE UNION 21.7x15.7" oil on paper, lines, Seattle boats, Lake Union, original painting by Nguyen Ly Phuong Ngoc $350.00 CAN THO STREETS 9x10.5" gouache on paper, live painting, Cần Thơ Province, original by Nguyen Ly Phuong Ngoc …ễn-ly-103048404519656/about/
Nguyễn ly, Quynh Luu, Nghệ An, Vietnam. 188 likes. Art
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We hope you have found all the information you need about Nguyen Ly Artist through the links above.