Interested in Paul Allier Artist Biography? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Paul Allier Artist Biography.
Artist's Biography Born Paris, 1896. Studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Cormon where he met Lepape, Martin and Marty. In the world of Haute Couture Allier was a prolific contributing artist for L’Assiette au Beurre, Femina, Flirt, Le Jardin des Modes and Vogue. He was also involved in theatre productions and book illustrations.
Paul Allier (1883 - 1967) was active/lived in France. Paul Allier is known for Fashion and book illustration, stencil print designs (pochairs), still-life painting. A pupil of Fernand Cormon at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he met Georges Lepape and André Marty, Paul Allier was active mainly as a fashion illustrator.
Paul ALLIER (1883-1967) is an artist born in 1883 The oldest auction result ever registered on the website for an artwork by this artist is a print-multiple sold in 1990, at Christie's , and the most recent auction result is a painting sold in 2019.'s price levels for this artist are based on 61 auction results.
Paul Allier – two Art Nouveau prints “Joie”, limi. ALLIER, PAUL. Les Quatres Saisons. Paul Allier. Follow this Artist (1883-1967) View items sold at auction.
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Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) French post-impressionist painter, sculptor and ceramics maker. Gauguin experimented with many styles including primitivist, and pastoral and created a synthesis style which became a hallmark of modern art.
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