Interested in Paul M Breeden Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Paul M Breeden Artist.
Paul M. Breeden, Artist, Sullivan, Maine. 740 likes · 5 were here. Exceptional acrylic paintings in unique hand made frames, fine giclee' prints and cards by broadly published wildlife illustrator...
Paul M. Breeden, Artist March 12, 2016 · "Harbor Grocery," a view across the cove in Corea when Jean Symond's little building was still a grocery store. Original framed acrylic on hardboard, 20 x …5/5
Paul M. Breeden, Artist. SOLD. "The Lakes of Acadia," 18"x30" acrylic on hardboard with hand made frame. This is a view of Jordan Pond on the left and Eagle Lake on the right from near the summit of Pemetic Mt. Between the lakes are the North and the South Bubble and …5/5
PAUL M BREEDEN Metal Foil Etching Print: Paul M. Breeden, Adobe Landscape Watercolor on Pap. Paul Breeden Acrylic on Board. Paul Breeden (1942-) Mixed Media Painting.
Lot 4302: Paul Breeden (1942-) Mixed Media Painting. Auction Date: Jan 22, 2015 Estimate: $300 - $500 Description: A matted and framed behind glass original mixed media painting depicting a New Mexican pueblo, shell adorned with turquoise and carved frog fetish by a listed artist. Piece was featured in an issue of the Smithsonian November 1991. A copy of this article accompanies this piece.
Shop for artwork by Paul Breeden. Purchase canvas prints, framed prints, tapestries, posters, greeting cards, and more. While spending my boyhood happily roaming the wilds of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, I dreamed of someday working for National Geographic. With very little formal education, like a dream come true, my exciting career as a nature artist began in th...
Breeden Paul M in Sullivan, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Sullivan and beyond.
Hello, you are viewing my sale for a PAUL M. BREEDEN FRAMED GLASS ARTWORK. "This is a metal foil reproduction of a Paul M. Breeden etching". This magnificent piece of art is matted and framed in glass with a nice wooden frame. The artwork depicts the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE. The work is highly detailed and elaborate. The frame measures 22" long by ...Seller Rating: 99.8% positive
May 25, 2014 · PAUL M BREEDEN Metal Foil Etching Print: Gold on Brown, Signed on Mat LR. Goldleaf on Scratchboard. Brown Ink Scratched Through with Stylus. Noted for Technical Accuracy. Designed Magazine, Book Covers, Postage Stamps. 17" X 21" Frame (100-200)
We hope you have found all the information you need about Paul M Breeden Artist through the links above.