Interested in Paul Newton Portrait Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Paul Newton Portrait Artist.
Welcome to the website of portrait artist Paul Newton ~ Available for portrait commissions worldwide ~ Click on menu items on left hand margin for further information and to see examples of portraits. Please e-mail or phone for further information or if you would like to commission a portrait.. Tel: 0424 961 055 (International: +61 424 961 055)
About the Artist Australian artist, Paul Newton has works in the permanent collections of the Australian National Portrait Gallery (six works) , Parliament House Canberra, Princeton, Johns Hopkins and Columbia Universities, the National Basketball Association, the Cleveland Clinic, The Temple Emanu-El New York , Credit Suisse First Boston, Morgan Stanley New York and numerous other collections …
Paul Newton. Paul Newton (b. 1961), is a Sydney-based portrait painter noted for his ability to capture likeness and sensibility. Newton completed a science degree at the University of Sydney before pursuing his interest in painting at the Julian Ashton Art School. He has been an Archibald Prize finalist eleven times, most recently for his portrait of Rupert Myer AO in 2017.
Paul Newton. 1,324 likes · 4 talking about this. Paul Newton, Australian artist, is available for portrait commissions worldwide.
Newton is an official portrait artist for Parliament House in Canberra. He has painted prime ministers, Australian heads of state, and other dignitaries and celebrities. In 2013, Newton was commissioned by Australia Post to design and paint a depiction of the Nativity scene for reproduction in the form of a minisheet for the 2013 Australian Christmas stamp issue.
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