Interested in Payson Keeler Artistic Gymnast? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Payson Keeler Artistic Gymnast.
May 18, 2013 · In Make it or Break it, Payson becomes an artistic gymnast after her injury, so what was she before? In the show, Payson Keeler falls while on the bars and injurs …
In the season one premiere, Payson Keeler (Ayla Kell), Kaylie Cruz (Josie Loren), and Lauren Tanner (Cassie Scerbo) are elite-level gymnasts. They train at one of the best gyms in the country, the fictional "Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Training Center" (or "The Rock") in Boulder, Colorado, in hopes of winning gold at the 2012 Summer Olympics.Created by: Holly Sorensen
Summary In Season One, Payson Keeler (Ayla Kell), Kaylie Cruz (Josie Loren), and Lauren Tanner (Cassie Scerbo) are three elite-level gymnasts. They train at one of the best gyms in the country, the fictional "Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Training Center," or "Rock," in Boulder, Colorado, in hopes of winning gold at the 2012 Olympics in London.
Payson Keeler perfomance. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Payson Keeler (played by Ayla Kell) is the top female gymnast at The Rock and one of the top ranked female gymnasts in the nation. She is a driven and dedicated professional who seems to live only for gymnastics. Unlike the other girls, she seems uninterested in boys and is more wary of causing trouble.*s*Payson%20Keeler/works
Payson has her surgery just a month after her accident. When she tries to be reinstated on the National Team, she's ready but the NGO doesn't accept her anyway. Sasha then proposes to Payson to become an artistic gymnast. When the Rock competes against China, Payson is already an artistic gymnast and proves the NGO wrong. Kind of rewrite of almost end of season1 and on.
In France, you saw Payson Keeler the power gymnast. En Francia, visteis a Payson Keller la poderosa gimnasta . That's the reason you're the second-best gymnast on this team.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Payson Keeler Artistic Gymnast through the links above.