Interested in Pta Reflections Artist Statement? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Pta Reflections Artist Statement.
Explore the Arts and Express Yourself National PTA's Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme.
National PTA celebrates the national Reflections winners and their artwork starting May 1 through the following calendar year. We feature our Outstanding Interpretation winners during National PTA’s Convention in June and select featured artists at the Reflections Student Arts Showcase in January.
The artist statement communicates the artist’s inspiration for the work and how it relates to the theme. The statement must describe the content and include at least one sentence but not exceed 100 words. The title and statement are VERY important to the judging. …
The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. The statement must include at least 10 words and not exceed 100 words. • Use of copyrighted material is prohibited, except for background music in dance choreography and film production entries.
Reflections is a National PTA Arts Program that gives students K-8th grade the opportunity to express themselves in any of the following areas: Visual Arts (drawing, painting, metal etching, etc.) Literature Music Composition Photography Dance Choreography Film Production Special Artists
Hint: Remember 40% of their mark, when judging is performed, is awarded based on how the artists statement about how their artwork ties to the theme, make sure you help your students work just as hard on their statement as they did creating their artwork. All students attending PTA schools* sponsoring the program are invited to participate.
As noted on the student entry form, each entry must contain a title and all entries must include an artist statement. The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme and the content of the work. The statement must include at least 10 words and not exceed 100 words. The artist statement is very important and is part of the criteria used for judging. Can my child submit …
Note that the Interpretation of the Theme receives 40% of the score, so a strong artist statement is important. Each local school PTA/PTSA will organize the judging for their PTA unit and organize...
We believe the 2020-2021 Reflections theme, I Matter Because…, is an opportunity to engage and elevate the voices of students of color. This is a priority, now more than ever, and National PTA is committed to standing behind our beliefs and mission to make every child’s potential a reality.”
Nov 06, 2020 · Entry must include a title and artist statement. The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. The statement must include 10-100 words. Entries must be the student’s individual …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Pta Reflections Artist Statement through the links above.