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Gérard Courbouleix–Dénériaz, also known as Razzia, is a French graphic artist born in Montparnasse in 1950. Razzia is one of the last poster artists to remain in an era dominated by computer-generated images. He began his career in what can be called the golden age of poster art.Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by RazziaNationality: French
Gerard Razzia has gained a distinctive reputation as the last graphic artist who actually earns the title as a ‘poster artist’. In the golden age of posters, the best artists were employed to create unique artist impressions for advertising campaigns without the use of computer generated graphics.
Description: A very large canvas-mounted print by the French artist Razzia (born Gerard Courboleix-Deneriaz, 1950), one of the last major traditional poster artists. This bold, whimsical piece depicts a fork full of spaghetti against a red ground, rotated 90 degrees with respect to the groundplane so that the noodles appear to drape sideways.
Razzia (Gérard Courbouleix-Deneriaz) Bio. Razzia has gained a distinctive reputation as the last graphic artist who actually earns the title as a ‘poster artist’. In the golden age of posters, the best artists were employed to create unique artist impressions for advertising campaigns without the use of computer generated graphics.
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