Interested in Renata Buziak Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Renata Buziak Artist.
I have moved to a new online home, please visit MY NEW WEBSITE . string(44) "Smarty error: [plugin] unable to fetch: (6)"
I am a photo media artist, educator and researcher helping people to reconnect with nature. I invite you to immerse into the cycle of life through Biochrome experimental photography and art-science research. My Garden Path - Studio Tour Welcome to my studio, let me show you around and reveal the secret of my Biochrome …
What is Biochrome Art? It is an image created through the Biochrome Art process that I developed. What is a Biochrome Art process? It is a process of image making I developed, it is based on fusion of organic and photographic materials over an extended period of time. Renata Buziak.
This is my new website. You can still visit my old website for more info while this one is being updated.
Renata Buziak (PhD) is a photo-media artist, educator and researcher passionate about physically engaging nature and organic processes in her interdisciplinary practice. Based in Brisbane Australia, her practice builds on alternative and experimental photography, …
Habitat is a collaborative project between photographic artists Renata Buziak and Lynette Letic. Residents of various Pine Rivers suburbs were invited to participate. Accompanied by a catalogue and...Title: Biochrome Artist, Researcher …
This is my new website. You can still visit my old website for more info while this one is being updated.
Bachelor of Photography (Honours), Class of 2007. Dr Renata Buziak is a photo-media artist, educator and researcher. She first graduated from the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Photography (Honours) and then again in 2017 with a Doctor of Philosophy. Her passion lies with helping people to reconnect with nature; a passion that was ignited in her childhood years and …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Renata Buziak Artist through the links above.