Interested in Richard Smithson Land Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Richard Smithson Land Artist.
See Article History. Robert Smithson, (born Jan. 2, 1938, Passaic, N.J., U.S.—died July 20, 1973, Amarillo, Texas), American sculptor and writer associated with the Land Art movement. His large-scale sculptures, called Earthworks, engaged directly with nature and were created by moving and constructing with vast amounts of soil and rocks.
Biography. Robert Smithson (January 2, 1938 – July 20, 1973) was an American artist known for sculpture and land art who often used drawing and photography in relation to the spatial arts. His work has been internationally exhibited in galleries and museums and is held in public collections including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Solomon R. Guggenheim …
Smithson is one of the most influential artists of the diverse generation that emerged in the wake of Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism, known as the Post-Minimalists. Although inspired by Minimalism's use of industrial materials and interest in the viewer's experience of the space around the art object (as much as the object itself), the Post-Minimalists sought to abandon even more aspects of …Nationality: American
Robert Smithson (January 2, 1938 – July 20, 1973) was an American artist who used photography in relation to sculpture and land art. Smithson was born in Passaic, New Jersey and early on lived mostly in Rutherford. In Rutherford, William Carlos Williams was Smithson's pediatrician.Nationality: American
The monumental earthwork Spiral Jetty (1970) was created by artist Robert Smithson and is located off Rozel Point in the north arm of Great Salt Lake. Made of black basalt rocks and earth gathered from the site, Spiral Jetty is a 15-foot-wide coil that stretches more than 1,500 feet into the lake.
Dec 09, 2020 · I n the late 1960s and early 1970s, Robert Smithson and his partner Nancy Holt were leading figures within what became known as land art, using the raw stuff of nature in …
But if we see the history of Land art movement, then we can give some artists’ name such as Andy Goldsworthy, Robert Smithson, Richard Long, Michael Heizer and Walter De Maria. Because their contribution to the renaissance of Land art is huge, these are counted among elite class in the history of this art movement.
Mar 04, 2021 · Robert Smithson – A Brief Biography of the Artist Robert Smithson. by artincontext. March 4, 2021
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