Interested in Rob Setrakian Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Rob Setrakian Artist.
Robert Setrakian Open Gallery Personal Statement Contact . Gallery “The work in making my art lies in exploring how things relate to one another inside, as well as outside, the picture frame.” – Rob Setrakian . Featured. Medley, 2012. Oil on canvas 18 x 15 Inches. Madonna, 2006 ...
Rob Setrakian. Since first exhibiting his work in the early 1980’s, Bay area native Rob Setrakian has developed a liberating and intuitive painting style that is abstract, primal and unencumbered by reliance on figurative limitations. To look at his painted surfaces is to witness a conversation between the artist and the world around him and more definitively, between the painter and his medium.
Rob Setrakian He received his BA from Stanford University in 1979 and was strongly influenced by his mentor Nathan Oliveira, as well as artists Frank Lobdell and Keith Boyle. Setrakian’s work is represented in many public collections including the De Young Museum, Portland Art Museum, and Stanford University Hospital.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Jul 25, 2018 - Since first exhibiting his work in the early 1980’s, Bay area native Rob Setrakian has developed a liberating and intuitive painting style that is abstract, primal and unencumbered by reliance on figurative limitations. To look at his painted surfaces is to witness a conversation between the artist and the world around him and more definitively, between the painter and his medium.
Robert A. Setrakian. Nationality: american. Gender: Male. Lived and worked in Bay Area until 1985; moved to Florence for 18 months; spent a subsequent year in NYC.
Mar 24, 2017 - Since first exhibiting his work in the early 1980’s, Bay area native Rob Setrakian has developed a liberating and intuitive painting style that is abstract, primal and unencumbered by reliance on figurative limitations. To look at his painted surfaces is to witness a conversation between the artist and the world around him and more definitively, between the painter and his medium.
Sep 09, 2010 · Robert Setrakian, a San Francisco businessman who had multiple interests in banking, government, politics and the literary arts, died in San Francisco on Sept. 2 at the age of 86. The cause was a...
Robert Setrakian is known for Painting. Artist auction records. askART's database currently holds 1 auction lots for Robert Setrakian (of which 0 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.) Artist artworks for sale and wanted. There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers .
01/12/2012. Rob Setrakian needs light bulbs. It’s the afternoon before the opening of “Fresh Paint,” a new exhibit at the Bolinas Gallery featuring recent work from the renowned local painter alongside pieces by Southern California artist Dennis Hare, and many of the gallery lights need replacing. Setrakian, ever amicable and easygoing in light jeans and a thin, black and silver mustache, isn’t the least bit fazed.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Rob Setrakian Artist through the links above.