Interested in Roger Swainson Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Roger Swainson Artist.
UNDERWATERWORK "...but if you sit there quietly, day after day, you gradually get to be part of that little system and everything gets used to you.
Roger Anthony Swainston is an Australian painter. Naturalist and zoologist, he is one of the most recognized artists of the underwater world. He was raised in the Western Australian outback surrounded by wildlife. The unique Australian flora and fauna fascinated and inspired him from an early age and he has drawn and painted it since childhood.
Visit a rainforest and it will take days before the wall of detail around you begins to resolve into recognisable patterns. People who live in such environments display what seems a miraculous ability to pinpoint individual animals and plants in this mass of detail but this is no different really than a city dweller being able to zero in on a small road sign driving down a busy urban street.
2017 : Drawn to Water ABC Australia, directed and written by Brendan Hutchens - VAM MEDIA DRAWN TO WATER follows marine artist Roger Swainston as he embarks on the fifteenth year of a twenty-year project studying the life of the Ningaloo Reef and its inhabitants, through art. 2015 FR3 France - TV Interview on Roger's art ; 2014 TV Documentary CHANEL 7, Today, Tonight; 2013 BBC WORLD - Interview - public radio; 2013 FINANCIAL TIMES London - Interview; 2011 - Art …
Roger Swainston, Underwater Art "Underwater work has its own difficulties; cold sets in rapidly when you are not moving around, currents and surge frustrate, water quality is …
about roger swainston anima Marine life paintings and Underwater drawings "Underwater work has its own difficulties; cold sets in rapidly when you are not moving around, curr...
Apr 12, 2017 · Why did renowned marine artist Roger Swainston start drawing fish? "...because they come from this other world" He has lost count of the number of …
Art by Rob SwainstonRob Swainston PrintshopPrints of Darkness. Rob Swainston. Rob Swainston. Mission Drift 2017. Projects Overview. Printstallations 2005-2016. They said what we said, only clearer. 2016. Who Owns the Sky? 2015.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Roger Swainson Artist through the links above.