Interested in Romanesque Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Romanesque Artists.
Romanesque art is the art of Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the rise of the Gothic style in the 13th century, or later, depending on region. The preceding period is known as the Pre-Romanesque period. The term was invented by 19th-century art historians, especially for Romanesque architecture, which retained many basic features of Roman ...
Jul 20, 2018 · Master Hugo was the first named artist in England, and he worked at Bury St. Edmund's Abbey, where he made this Bible for the Abbey around 1135. The Bible contains various paintings on full and half pages and decorative initials, which as art historian Thomas Arnold wrote, "have led to a general acknowledgement of Master Hugo as the gifted innovator of the main line of English Romanesque art."
This spiritualized art reveals the Romanesque concern with transcendental values, in sharp contrast to the markedly more naturalistic and humanistic sculpture of the Gothic age. Two-headed Janus, who sees forward and backward, a personification of the month of January; Romanesque high-relief stone sculpture, in the Museo del Duomo, Ferrara, Italy.
Jul 03, 2020 · Richardsonian Romanesque. Richardsonian Romanesque is a term coined to describe the distinct Neo-Romanesque buildings of HH Richardson and other American Architects in the late 19th century. Some of the most notable works are Trinity Church in Boston as well as the Winn Memorial Library in Woburn Massachusetts.
Overview of Romanesque Architecture and Art The many Viking invasions of Europe and the British Isles marked the era before the Romanesque period. Beginning in 790 with raids on Irish coastal monasteries, the raids became full-scale military excursions within a century as shown by the Sack of Paris in 845 and the Sack of Constantinople in 860.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Romanesque Artists through the links above.