Interested in Samantha Farber Sono Artists Consulting? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Samantha Farber Sono Artists Consulting.
Mrs. Farber is also active in the audio-visual arena, and in 2012 founded, a live-streaming and VOD platform for the performing arts for world-wide distribution and has broadcast many live programs including operas with the legendary Gruberova, Diana Damrau, Joseph Calleja and Ludovic Tezier, while co-producing a recording of Lucia di Lammermoor that was released on the Warner …
Sono Artists provides artist management and public relations services for opera singers, from newcomers to top names in the industry. Based in Vienna, Austria, we nurture our clients’ careers and connect them with world-class opera productions.
Inhaberin, CEO, sono artists consulting. Vienna, Österreich. Logg Dich ein, um alle Einträge zu sehen. Werdegang. Berufserfahrung von Samantha Farber. Bis heute. CEO. sono artists consulting. Logg Dich jetzt ein, um das ganze Profil zu sehen. ...Occupation: CEO
Sooyeon Lee Sono Artist Samantha Farber
Sono Artists, Vienna, Austria. 993 likes · 1 talking about this. sono artists is an agency for opera singers based in Vienna, Austria.Followers: 1K
Samantha Farber Owner, sono artists and Austria area. Samantha Farber. Samantha Farber Nutritionist and Personal Trainer at Prime Nutrition + Training. Greater New Orleans Area.Title: Program Therapist at Center For …
Contact : Sono Artists Consulting Samantha Farber Am Hof 5/15 A-1010 Vienna, Austria Email: [email protected] Phone: +43 (0) 1 532 6758 Mobile: +43 (0) 699 11 70 07 39 Timothy Oliver Mobile: +49 175 510 3540 [email protected]
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Operabase dokumentiert das weltweite Operngeschehen seit 1996 und führt mehr als 500.000 Vorstellungen. Wir verzeichnen die Arbeit von Kunstschaffenden in über 900 Theatern und veröffentlichen Spielzeitinformationen für Opernbesucher *innen in 23 Sprachen.
the 06 of June, 2017. the 08 of June, 2017. the 11 of June, 2017. the 13 of June, 2017. the 15 of June, 2017
We hope you have found all the information you need about Samantha Farber Sono Artists Consulting through the links above.