Interested in Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery Artists? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery Artists.
Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery created by 6th,7th & 8th generation potters. Judy Tafoya, a 6th generation potter, has been doing pottery since 1983. Many unique and award winning pieces can be seen here and at Native American art shows she attends throughout the United States.
Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery and Fine Art . Black pottery has been made at Santa Clara Pueblo for generations. Potters at the pueblo were making many pieces of black pottery in the late 1800s for tourists and nearby households in Santa Fe and Espanola. Santa Clara potters used a decorating method not used by other pueblos—that is they impressed a design into the wet clay, such as bear …
The technical excellence, innovation and imagination of Santa Clara potters have helped sustain and promote Pueblo pottery around the world. In addition to pottery, the Pueblo has produced notable sculptors and painters, and there are also artists creating embroidery, beadwork and weaving.
Pottery History. Santa Clara has a long history of pottery making and there are more than 200 active potters in the pueblo today. Until the 1920's, the majority of Santa Clara pottery was undecorated redware, blackware or made of a natural micaceous clay.Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Celestina Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo, is the daughter of Pasqualita Tafoya and the wife of Salvador Naranjo. She is the sister to Juan Pedro Guierrez, Juan Isidro Gutierrez, Lorencita Romero, Tomacita Gutierriz Tafoya, Dolores Gutierrez and Barbara Tafoya. ... Reference: Pueblo Indian Pottery: 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf.
Stella is the daughter of famed Santa Clara potter Teresita Naranjo who passed away in early 2000. Stella's pottery is very much influenced by that of her mother with the exception that Stella makes only black ware and works on a somewhat smaller scale than …
Artist: Belen Tapia * Pueblo: Santa Clara Item Number: phscg8180 Price: $ 1200 Dimensions: 10 1/4 in H by 7 1/2 in Dia More Information * Belen Tapia, Santa Clara, Black jar carved with 4 …
With so few Santa Ana artists creating pottery using natural clay and traditional methods, any piece is a rare and valuable work of art. Explore More From Santa Ana Pottery > Santa Clara Pottery. Santa Clara Pueblo, a Tewa-speaking Pueblo located along the Rio Grande River in northern New Mexico, has one of the most dynamic and innovative ...
We hope you have found all the information you need about Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery Artists through the links above.