Interested in Satsuma Artists Signatures? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Satsuma Artists Signatures.
Aug 23, 2013 · Common Japanese pottery marks. Dai Nippon (Great Japan). This mark was used during a time in Japan where they were becoming very proud of their country and efforts were being made ... The Shimazu crest. Zan. This commonly used marking can mean "mountain" but is often found to be within the name of ...
1074. Satsuma. Artist signature: "Hododa". Mark: Shimazu family crest above cartouche. Dai Nippon Satsuma Hododa. The full mark might read: Dai Nippon, Satsuma, Hodota made this. Meiji period (1868-1912). Click here to see large picture: 889. Mark: Top to bottom, left to right, it reads Dai Nippon ? zan (shimazu mon) Satsu ma yaki, Ho do da sei. Meaning: "(made in) Great Japan (by) ? zan, Satsuma …
May 2, 2018 - Explore Prudencio Rodríguez's board "Satsuma Marks." on Pinterest. See more ideas about satsuma, japanese porcelain, japanese.8 pins
The Satsuma database consists of three files: The Marks & makers data file gives you (at the moment) abou t 2000 marks and signatures of 500 makers of Satsumaware.; Examples of the work that each of these makers has produced or decorated can be found in the Makers: examples data file.; The Look it up data file is an extensive list of over 2,000 makers of Japanese ceramics.
Aug 20, 2013 · Another good sign of an authentic antique mark is the presence of the Shimazu family crest. A simple circle with a cross through it is the sign of the clan that ruled the Satsuma province in Japan around the time that most of the original items were made. If this crest is on the pottery item, then you most likely have an original piece.
Collecting Japanese Meiji Period Satsuma Pottery – What to look out for? Satsuma pottery is the Western name for very collectable type of Japanese earthenware exported throughout the world since the Japanese Meiji period (1868-1912). It is named after the Satsuma provinces, but was made in many parts of Japan, notably in Kyoto.
Maker's marks and artist's signatures on antique and modern Japanese porcelain. ... It must be Satsuma and has a stamp, 'Made in Japan' that seems to be under the glaze aslong with the signature. If it is a new one to you and you'd like to post in in your blog please feel welcome to do so.
Since there were thousands of artists working in the Satsuma-industry, compiling this list is like telling a never-ending story. If you think you can contribute to telling this story, please let us know: [email protected] . THE LIST OF PROMINENT & REMARKABLE MAKERS OF SATSUMA WARE WILL BE UPDATED REGULARLY. THIS IS PART 2.
Artists' Signatures offers FREE access to over 100,000+ artist directory listings in our database. Every visitor can search and browse our listings when looking for an artist ...
We hope you have found all the information you need about Satsuma Artists Signatures through the links above.