Interested in Shona Moller Nz Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Shona Moller Nz Artist.
Shona Moller Kapiti Coast Artist available paintings and artworks for sale. Based on Paraparaumu Beach, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
Oct 10, 2007 · Shona Moller is a Wellington, New Zealand, artist based on the Kapiti Coast. She has been a professional artist since 1999, exhibited London 2003. Her first solo London exhibition opened in 2008 in Bloomsbury. The 2008 London exhibition was a sell out.
Apr 29, 2017 · A talented and successful artist, Shona Moller has been painting since she was four years old. Her kindergarten teacher recalls Shona painstakingly laying out all the colours she planned to use in her classroom artworks, and not walking away until she had used every single one of them. Shona said she still uses the same practice today.
New Zealand; World; Politics; Pacific; Te Ao Māori; Sport; Business; Country; Local Democracy Reporting; ... Shona Moller. Work by Kapiti-based artist Shona Moller. (private collection Australia) Chronicled by Te Kauri. (Wallace Arts Trust Collection Auckland)
Sep 18, 2014 - Shona Moller Kapiti Coast Artist available paintings and artworks for sale. Based on Paraparaumu Beach, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
Art. Contemporary Art. Transgressive Art.. Artist. shona moller. Saved by Sam Sewell. 2. Artist Art Imagery Folk. More information... People also love these ideas ...
Find New Zealand Artists: a database of artist names. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. a. A'Court, Airini; A'Court, Brett; A'Court, Stephen
We hope you have found all the information you need about Shona Moller Nz Artist through the links above.