Interested in Shridhar Iyer Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Shridhar Iyer Artist.
Born in 1961, Shridhar Iyer, one of the most inspired artist in the abstract genre, whose work is beyond doubt global in manifestation, content and form. His very distinctive style explores pure contemplation on a spiritual level as his trait. His ability to grasp the philosophical at an abstract level is extraordinary and his works specify his
Shridhar Iyer is one of the rare modern masters whose works have been trendsetters for postmodern and contemporary art practices in India. Known to be one of the greatest living abstractionists in India, Iyer's art practice has always gone beyond pictorial abstraction and he is one of the earliest artists from the subcontinent to embrace ...
Shridhar Iyer belongs to this latter category of artists who move between object based art and performance pieces. For a long time, Shridhar Iyer has been a pure painter. Being a traveller and a keen follower of the Indian style of spiritualism, Iyer’s creative …
SHRIDHAR IYER. About Artist. Born in 1961, Shridhar Iyer, one of the most inspired artist in the abstract genre, whose work is beyond doubt global in manifestation, content and form. His very. distinctive style explores pure contemplation on a spiritual level as his trait. His ability to
Buy Untitled painting online - the original artwork by artist Shridhar Iyer, exclusively available at Mojarto only. Check price, images and description online. 259822 011-49862703 (9AM - 6PM IST)Price: $5886
May 10, 2014 · The Wall Art TV meets Shridhar Iyer at Art Bull, Lado Sarai and discusses with him his spiritual inclinations, multimedia works and the latest show 'The Spir...Author: The Wall TV
May 27, 2014 · Through abstract paintings and installations, artist Shridhar Iyer gives form to Kabir’s poems. Written by Pallavi Chattopadhyay New Delhi . May 27, 2014 10:51:35 am. Jatra, Shridhar Iyer’s abstract painting. For artist Shridhar Iyer, life is like a jatra, a term borrowed from Bengali that he uses to describe a 24-hour drama unfolding in the universe every second, without any curtains.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Shridhar Iyer Artist through the links above.