Interested in Songs Appear Under Album But Not Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Songs Appear Under Album But Not Artist.
To be more specific, after adding songs from original movie soundtracks or from albums with various artists to My Music, they only appear under Albums, not Artists. For example, "All of the Stars" in the The Fault in Our Stars soundtrack won't appear under Ed Sheeran. "Boom Clap" can only be found...
Nov 02, 2017 · Only thing I can suggest is force quitting the Music app and then doing a hard reset of the iPhone (holding the HOME and POWER button - unless you have an iPhone 7 where it is the POWER and DOWN VOLUME buttons - until you see the Apple Logo). After the restart see if the songs show in Downloaded Music.
Check the album info on iTunes on your computer. If it somehow got tagged as a 'compilation' (which could very easily be the case, given how hip-hop as a genre is prone to multiple compilations on albums.) then de-select this as an option, make sure it's listed with Chance as …
Feb 03, 2008 · You can do this by going into iTunes, selecting all of the tracks, and choosing File, Get Info, and then setting "Part of a Compilation" to "No." These tracks should then show up under their proper artists. The other option is to turn OFF the "Compilations" setting on the iPod itself.
Jan 18, 2010 · I can't seem to get my music to be filed properly; a lot of my songs (about 50%) are under 'Unknown', EXCEPT for when I go to 'Music Browser' instead of going to a listing like 'Artists', 'Albums ...
Nov 06, 2020 · Hi all, apologies if this exact issue has been answered - I did some searching to no avail. I have some Various Artists albums in my library. Let’s take “Pleasantville OST” as an example. The album correctly appears under the artist “Various Artists”. This album, as is all of my music, tagged with metadata from MusicBrainz. Fiona Apple is the track artist of the first track. Note ...
Oct 23, 2011 · Under this setting which is group by album artist if chosen then make sure in your iTunes library on your Mac that both artist and album artist are filled in. Most likely the ones you don't see...
Dec 09, 2011 · Music album cover Hi does anyone know why when I am playing music and it is updating the music library it does not update the album cover or title of music. Is it the norm or should it put in the album cover for me. Music, Pictures & Video: Music Library does not show album art in 'Artist…
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