Interested in Spanish Tattoo Artist Hernandez? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Spanish Tattoo Artist Hernandez.
Oct 10, 2018 · When it comes to tattooing horror imagery few people can hold a candle to Robert Hernandez. The Spanish artist works mostly in black and grey and he has an amazing ability to bring the portraits he inks to life. Check out this gallery of tattoos by Robert Hernandez …
About Tattoo artist who has won international recognition with his hyper-detailed black and white work, much of which depicts faces of artists or characters from popular fiction. He has worked out of the Vitamin Tattoo Shop in Madrid, Spain.Born: Jul 19, 1969
From 1985 to 1988, I attended art school. It was a very creative time and full of great experiences. In 1988, I also moved to Madrid. At the beginning of 1992 I had the chance to start working at Mao y Cathy, the first ever tattoo studio in Madrid. A lot of great tattoo artist …
Last News. For questions about appointments , tour dates and guest spot: +34 91 548 87 66 Tiempo estimado de espera de 2 meses / Timeout estimated 2 months
120.6k Followers, 905 Following, 805 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Robert Hernandez (@roberthernandeztattoos)
We hope you have found all the information you need about Spanish Tattoo Artist Hernandez through the links above.