Interested in Street Artist Spy? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Street Artist Spy.
SpY is an international artist based in Madrid. His work involves the appropiation of urban and public elements through transformation or replication.
Nov 23, 2013 · Self-taught artist, SpY was one of the leaders of this Spanish graffiti scene of the nineties, and today he’s sometimes even called Spanish Banksy by the press and urban art fans. SpY can turn a half pipe into a soccer pitch, train a CCTV …
SpY is an urban artist whose first endeavors date back to the mid-eighties. Shortly after, already a national reference as a graffiti artist, he started to explore other forms of artistic communication in the street. His work involves the appropiation urban elements through transformation or replication, commentary on urban reality, and the ...
SpY is a Spanish urban artist whose work involves the appropriation urban elements through transformation or replication, commentary on urban reality and the interference in its communicative codes. He has been present on Madrid street art scene since the mid-eighties.
Mar 31, 2008 · SpY is an artist from Madrid. His first actions appeared in the middle eighties. Shortly after, already a national reference as a graffiti artist, he started to work with other forms of artistic communication in the street: large posters, modified billboards, interventions that were experimental in …3.5/5
Oct 11, 2014 · Spanish street artist SpY recently stopped by France where he was invited to paint for the latest Nuit Blanche event in the thirteen district of the lovely Paris.The letters were painted with phosphorescent paint that is replenished throughout the day by …
We hope you have found all the information you need about Street Artist Spy through the links above.