Interested in Swedish Artist Zorn? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Swedish Artist Zorn.
Anders Zorn was a Swedish painter known for his depictions of nude bathers, country festivals, and portraits. Employing a restricted palette of colors, Zorn captured various qualities of light and form with free brushstrokes similar to those of John Singer Sargent.Nationality: Swedish
Anders Zorn is one of Sweden's' internationally best known artists. His fame abroad is founded mostly on his portraiture where he had the ability to capture the character and the personality of the depicted person. But also his graphic work, where he is among the most talented of all times, is well-known.
Anders Zorn - Artist Biography with a Portfolio of his Most Famous Paintings and Drawings. Buy Anders Zorn Prints Now from Amazon. The self-proclaimed king of Swedish art, Anders Zorn rose to prominence during his own lifetime to become one of the most famous artists in the world. Here we examine his legacy and also tackle each of the mediums ...
Aug 05, 2020 · Anders Zorn (1860–1920), Midsummer Dance (1897), oil on canvas, 140 x 98 cm, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden.
Portrait of Fru Lisen Samson, nee Hirsch, Arranging Flowers at a Window Anders Zorn • 1881 Stockholm Anders Zorn • 1881 Study of Landscape in Richmond Anders Zorn • 1882
About the Author Johan Cederlund is director of the Zorn Museum in Mora, Sweden. Hans Henrik Brummer was director of the Zorn Museum from 1972 to 1989. He also served as a professor at UCLA and as director general for the National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm.4.7/5(161)
We hope you have found all the information you need about Swedish Artist Zorn through the links above.