Interested in Teaching Artists Resources? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Teaching Artists Resources.
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The National Community for Professional Teaching Artists. JOIN TODAY! We are building a stronger field. TAG is strengthening our field by advocating, honoring, supporting, and convening artists who teach. ... TAG members enjoy access to the world’s largest directory of resources for teaching artists. Browse the library today! Learn More.
We’ll also be holding a national teaching artist convening in February along with lots more programming, advocacy, and opportunities down the line.: This is the beginning of a new chapter for teaching artists and the field of teaching artistry. We hope you’ll join us. Miko Lee - Interim Executive Director, TAG
The spotlight is all on YOU as theater teaching artist Khaleshia Thorpe-Price breaks down the essentials of solo performance, or monologues. During this exploration of character, Khaleshia uses the example of the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood to demonstrate how you can step into your favorite story and become a writer, actor, and even costume designer in your one-person show!
We hope you have found all the information you need about Teaching Artists Resources through the links above.