Interested in Teodulo Romulo Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Teodulo Romulo Artist.
About the artist: Born in 1934 in the city of Tlaxcala. He began his artistic training at the National School of Plastic Arts in 1966, remaining there until 1970. He continued his studies at the College of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
View Teódulo Rómulo’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices.Nationality: Mexican
Estimate: $300 - $500 Description: TEODULO ROMULO Mexican (b. 1943) Cow with Birds embossed lithograph on natural paper, signed in pencil "Teodulo Romulo," dated "80" and numbered "4/100" lower right Framed dimensions - 44 3/4 x 31 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches 42 3/8 x 29 1/4 inches Provenance: Private Collection, New York. Other Notes: Tags: fine prints, Latin American art, abstract, modern / …
Teodulo Romulo was born in Tlaxcala, Mexico in 1943 Teodulo Romulo began his artistic training at the National School of Plastic Arts in 1966, remaining there until 1970. He continued his studies at the College of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Teódulo Rómulo. Mexican 1943. FOLLOW. 2. LAST 90 DAYS ACTIVITY. 2 Alerts. 2 sold lots. FOLLOW. Click the FOLLOW button to be the first to know about this artist's upcoming lots, sold lots, exhibitions and articles.Nationality: Mexican
Price (asc.) Recently updated Recently added Artwork year (desc.) Artwork year (asc.) Teodulo Romulo. El robo de la bandera de Francia, 2018. CERVANTES. $60,000. Teodulo Romulo. el bien y …
Exhibitions 1985 Pinacoteca del Estado de Tlaxcala Mexico 1985 Ravel Gallery Austin, TX 1983 Palacio de Gobierno Tlaxcala, Mexico 1982 L'Amerique Latine a Paris FranceNationality: Mexican
Teódulo Rómulo, Pájaro queriéndose comer la luna, Firmado y fechado, París 1979 Acrilografía 13/20, 61 x 46.5 cm TEODULO ROMULO B. 1943 Teodulo Romulo (Mexican b. 1943), Untitled (Figure with Dog), mixograph in color, sight size: 476 x 641 mm Teodulo Romulo (Mexican, b. 1943)
Impressionist, Modern & Contemporary Art An Evening Sale. Sotheby's New York Total Sold Value $62,875,950 Dec 08, 2020 Autumn Auctions 2020: 20th Century Art Evening Sale (Lot 1701 - 1727) ... Teodulo Romulo. "El Pensador" (The Thinker) , 1988 Mixed media on paper ...Nationality: Mexican
Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers: auctioneers of art, pictures, collectables and motor cars Bonhams : Teódulo Rómulo (Mexican, born 1943); El Lepero; We use cookies to remember choices you make on functionality and personal features to enhance your experience to our site.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Teodulo Romulo Artist through the links above.