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Growing up in Arkansas as a child with Polio, Thomas Melvin Hinton produced art every day of his life. He embraced all mediums of art in his portraits, landscapes, still life, fashion illustrations and commercial art. This site offers a glimpse into the artist's life.
Hinton served as a fashion illustrator and commercial artist in New York City during the 30's and 40's, and returning to Arkansas in the 50's, he resumed portrait painting and watercolor. He was instrumental in forming several art leagues and setting up instruction programs for handicapped children.
Thomas Melvin Hinton was a classically trained artist who produced many realistic and impressionistic oil paintings, watercolors, and drawings. His paintings won many awards in Arkansas and nationally and are on permanent exhibit at museums and other public and private venues.
Arkansas artist Thomas Hinton (1906-1975), whose paintings provide cover art for both Tangled Roots and One Summer in Arkansas, lives on in the hearts and homes of the children and grandchildren of Karlton and Flora Kemp and Nancy Anderson Kemp, as well as in galleries and homes in Arkansas and throughout the country.He captured the unique beauty of Arkansas as few artists have.
J. Thomas Hinton is originally from New Brunswick. Born in Campbellton, he has also lived in Edmundston, Newcastle, Fredericton, Lunenburg, Bobcaygeon, Oshawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Banff, Edgewater, and Victoria. Hinton studied under an incredible water colorist by the name of Claude Picard, also from Edmundston.
Artists; J. Thomas Hinton; Aspen and Fireweed AP $250 . Early Morning Light AP $210 . Forest Magic $210 . Lake Minnewanka $180 . Light After The Storm $165 . Lodgepole Pines AP $210 ...
Jun 08, 2004 · J. Thomas Hinton (1900-1900) - artwork prices, pictures and values. Art market estimated value about J. Thomas Hinton works of art. Email alerts for new artworks on sale
J. Thomas HINTON (XX) is an artist born in XX The oldest auction result ever registered on the website for an artwork by this artist is a drawing-watercolor sold in 2001, at Hodgins, and the most recent auction result is a print-multiple sold in 2020.
Self-taught, artist Tim Hinton started drawing at a very early age. Since 1973, his art has been professionally recognized. His works have been exhibited internationally at numerous galleries, art expos and museums, and are included in the permanent collections of the US Navy and the McKenna Museum for African American Art in New Orleans.
May 14, 2015 · Thomas Hinton's photographs, and what we can know about his life from other sources, give a rare glimpse into the life of someone suffering a mental illness at the turn of the 20th century.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Thomas Hinton Artist through the links above.