Interested in Trudi Murray Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Trudi Murray Artist.
Trudi Murray Art and Illustration, London, United Kingdom. 398 likes. I'm an artist, illustrator, and writer, based in South West London. I make...398 likes
Nov 09, 2015 · London-based artist and illustrator Trudi Murray loves to create vibrant, bright and energetic artworks, using oil, acrylic, and watercolour. Inspired by the natural world and with a strong imagination, she loves to make intricate collages, usually from …Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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Jun 12, 2015 · Trudi Murray almost abandoned her dream of becoming an artist when her art teacher humiliated her in front of her classmates. “I hid my love of illustration away after that… it’s taken me 20 years to find the confidence to say I still love that type of work, I want to make it …
Apr 11, 2016 · Hi! I’m Trudi Murray. I’m an artist and illustrator living and working in leafy and beautiful South West London, UK. I make large paintings in acrylic and mixed media. I also illustrate, make collages and I keep a daily sketchbook journal. I’m married to Alex, and we have three children, age 16, 14 and 11. You can find me and my work at:
I'm Trudi. I'm an artist, illustrator and writer. I make my work in a pretty art studio in Richmond, London. I have a lovely view of the treetops and people passing by on the street below.
Sep 23, 2020 · Trudi Murray is an artist, illustrator and writer, working in a pretty art studio in Richmond, London, with a lovely view of the treetops and people passing by on the street below. Her paintings hang in schools, churches, libraries, and the homes of an ever growing number of private clients.Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Sep 16, 2020 · Trudi Murray is an artist, illustrator and writer, working in a pretty art studio in Richmond, London, with a lovely view of the treetops and people passing by …Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
We hope you have found all the information you need about Trudi Murray Artist through the links above.