Interested in Twyla Exner Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Twyla Exner Artist.
Twyla Exner is a Canadian artist inspired by the wonders of nature and the idea of electronic technologies gone awry.
Twyla Exner is a Canadian artist inspired by the wonders of nature and the idea of electronic technologies gone awry. She uses the materials and imagery of discarded electronic technologies to create whimsical and worrisome sculptures and drawings that propose hybrids of …
12”x4”x4” - 60”x30”x10” 30x10x10cm - 153x76x25cm Fabric, Polyfill, Wire, Wood, Elastic, Velcro. Post-Desktop is an installation of soft sculpture circuitry.
Twyla Exner is a Canadian artist inspired by the wonders of nature and the idea of electronic techno...261 likes
Twyla Exner was born in 1982 in Regina, Saskatchewan. She studied at the University of Regina, receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture in 2004. She went on to complete a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Arts from Concordia University in 2010. Exner has given lectures and led workshops at galleries in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, and Quebec.
823 Followers, 691 Following, 538 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Twyla Exner 🇨🇦 Artist (@twyla.exner)654 posts
Twyla Exner is a Canadian artist inspired by the wonders of nature and the idea of electronic technologies gone awry. She uses the materials and imagery of discarded electronic technologies to create whimsical and worrisome sculptures and drawings that propose hybrids of technological structures and living organisms.
Twyla Exner is a Canadian artist inspired by the wonders of nature and the idea of electronic technologies gone awry. She uses the materials and imagery of discarded electronic technologies to create whimsical and worrisome sculptures and drawings that propose hybrids of technological structures and living organisms.Title: Artist
Twyla Exner The Cube January 17 to March 14, 2020 Curated by Craig Willms, Assistant Curator, Kamloops Art Gallery Twyla Exner’s practice is inspired by nature and the reciprocal systems of electronic refuse and technological obsolescence. Of the pre-Internet generation, Exner is both frustrated
We hope you have found all the information you need about Twyla Exner Artist through the links above.