Interested in Valencian Artists Xarxa Teatre? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Valencian Artists Xarxa Teatre.
Xarxa Teatre was formed in 1983 in Vila-real (Castellón) and has not stopped growing since. Because there was no stable theatrical infrastructure in the País Valenciano, in the early days the directors of Xarxa Teatre opted to use the street as the venue for their shows.
Created in 1994 to mark the opening of the Channel Tunnel, Xarxa Teatre took the idea from the work of Valencian poet Ausiàs March, bringing to its audiences an idyllic but at the same time apocalyptic sea; a sea that is the source of life and the space connecting cultures, but also a sea that is being destroyed, turned into a nuclear graveyard and constantly on fire as a result of oil tanker catastrophes.
Xarxa Teatre remains faithful to the aesthetics and the style that have brought recognition to the company throughout theater festivals from all over the world. The show draws a group of illegal emigrants who arrive to a new country, where soon all their expectations get frustrated by the rules and the roles that this new society gives them.
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CO-PRODUCTIONS. Antic Teatre began producing shows jointly with companies and artists in 2008 when it established a programme of artistic and technical residencies involving local, national and international artists who base their work on innovation and new languages of performance.. These joint productions, or co-productions, consist in providing artists and companies with free use of our ...
Xarxa Teatre és un grup internacional de teatre de carrer, creat en 1983 a Vila-real, que ha actuat en els cinc continents. Es considera una de les companyies de teatre amb més ressò internacional des de l'inici del segle XXI. Mesclen de manera original el teatre visual, la música i la coreografia. Inicialment feien espectacles per a infants, però de mica en mica van evolucionar vers ...
El promotor, distribuïdor de teatre i cinema, ha detallat que la plataforma és una base de dades pública i oberta, que qualsevol persona pot visitar. Ha detallat que “la gràcia” que té és que tota la informació sobre la feina dels artistes que actualment està repartida per la xarxa es troba centralitzada a …
The night was centred around Spanish ensemble Xarxa Teatre, a dynamic group who take their inspiration from Valencian and Mediterranean popular culture. ... with artists Yasuhiko Hayashi and ...
We hope you have found all the information you need about Valencian Artists Xarxa Teatre through the links above.