Interested in Valery Konevin Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Valery Konevin Artist.
Valery Konevin. I was born in city and country which do not exist any more. I am completely forgotten...
View Valery Konevin biographical information, artworks upcoming at auction, and sale prices from our price archives. ... Decorative Art. View All Decorative Art; American Indian Art (2675) Ceramics & Pottery (6086) Decorative Art - General (11) Ethnographic & Indigenous Artifacts (3561) Glass (7369) Greek, Roman & Egyptian Antiquities (2894)
Valery Konevin is an artist who finds his own way. He cannot be associated with any "schools", movements or "isms". What may be fashionable or the passing trends does not interest him.
VALERY KONEVIN . Selected Solo Exhibitions: 2001: Art Center "Peperbusse" Oostende, Belgium: 2002 "Forgotten Virtues" Venetiaanse Gaanderijen Oostende, Belgium: 2009: Biennale of Photography. Fasion and Style. Moscow House of Photography Moscow, Russia: 2009: ART MOSCOW 2009. ...
Valery KONEVIN was born 16 July 1952 into an upper middle-class family in Leningrad. His grand grandfather Dimitry Kosorotov was the Chief Pathologist of …Title: artist,photographer
We hope you have found all the information you need about Valery Konevin Artist through the links above.