Interested in Veruska Vagen Glass Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Veruska Vagen Glass Artist.
Originally a painter, Vagen developed her dot de verre (dots of glass) process while working for the William Morris Studio nearly twenty years ago. Having come to Pilchuck Glass School from the southwest, Vagen found in the northwest a community and a technique, both of which have sustained her creative pursuits.
Originally a painter, Veruska Vagen spent years living in the Southwest where she maintained a studio and worked in oil, watercolor and mixed media. The course of Vagen's life changed when her glass enamel work brought her to the renowned Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Washington.
Return to list of All Glass Artists Originally trained as a painter, Veruska Vagen spent years living in the Southwest where she maintained a studio and became accomplished in oil, watercolor and mixed media. Her work with glass enameling brought Vagen to the renowned Pilchuck School in Stanwood, Washington, which changed the course of her life.
Originally a painter, Veruska Vagen spent years living in the Southwest where she maintained a studio and worked in oil, watercolor and mixed media. The course of Vagen’s life changed when her glass enamel work brought her to the renowned Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Washington.
Veruska Vagen. Veruska Vagen’s art is a fusion of her inquisitive, experimental studio practice and an abiding interest in art history. Honoring mosaic tradition, her innovative dot de verre technique offers a modern interpretation executed in fused glass. Primarily working in portraiture and often drawing imagery from art historical sources, Vagen’s intricately composed images evoke both pixilation and pointillist …
Veruska Vagen Originally a painter, Veruska Vagen spent years living in the Southwest where she maintained a studio and worked in oil, watercolor and mixed media. The course of Vagen's life changed when her glass enamel work brought her to the renowned Pilchuck …
Vagen Veruska. Originally trained as a painter, Veruska Vagen spent years living in the Southwest where she maintained a studio and became accomplished in oil, watercolor and mixed media. Her work with glass enameling brought Vagen to the renowned Pilchuck School in Stanwood, Washington, which changed the course of her life. Vagen moved to Stanwood in 1993 and served 12 years with the …
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