Interested in Willie Cole Artist Biography? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Willie Cole Artist Biography.
Willie Cole (b. 1955 in Somerville, New Jersey) lives and works in New Jersey.Phone: (973) 607-1447
Feb 03, 2017 · Sculptor Willie Cole was born on January 3, 1955 in Somerville, New Jersey. In 1958, he moved to Newark, New Jersey, where he took art classes at the Newark Museum, and later attended the Arts High School of Newark. Cole went on to receive his B.F.A degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York City, New York.
Willie Cole (born 1955 in Somerville, New Jersey) lives and works in New Jersey. Willie Coleâs assemblages of found objects, such as irons, bicycles, water bottles, and womenâs shoes, offer a multivalent commentary on gender, consumerism, sexuality and African-American identity. A central facet of Coleâs work since the 1980s has been his deployment of high-heeled shoes, which he has recast ...
Willie Cole (American, b. 1955) is known for his mixed media sculptures that focus on the cultures of West Africa. His upbringing by both his mother and grandmother in the 1960s has had a lasting impact on his work, as his continued use of irons in his sculptures signifies the domestic role of African women during this time.Nationality: American
WILLIE COLE Biography Born in 1955, Willie Cole is a lifelong resident of New Jersey. His artistic ability was ap-parent from the age of three, when his mother enrolled him in Saturday children’s art classes at the Newark Museum. He was accepted at Newark’s respected Arts High School, where he majored in fashion design.
Post-modernism and cultural appropriation are the foundations of Willie Cole's artistic practice. Sprouting from the historical avant-garde of the Dada and Surrealist movement, his works are characterized by the use of household and everyday objects that are then decontextualized and transformed into works of art and as well as installations.
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