Interested in Wim Rautenbach Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Wim Rautenbach Artist.
Wim Rautenbach Artist. 271 likes · 1 talking about this. Fine art artist with a focus on land- and city scapes. To fight the canvas and break through to something that breathes.Followers: 273
I am a professional artist with strong interests in landscape paintings. I have been painting for a number of years, and have been lucky enough to have found satisfaction, pleasure and profit in my chosen profession. This web site aims to serve as my contact with the world at-large. I have put up the following information on this web site:
Wim Rautenbach Wim was born in 1975 and matriculated at the Hoerskool Randburg in 1993 having done art as a subject. He completed the National Diploma in Fine Arts at the Technikon, Pretoria, majoring in painting and art history. His other subjects were Figure Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture and Ceramics.
Select Page. Home / FINE ART / Rautenbach Wim Rautenbach Wim. Showing 1–9 of 16 results
Stallery is Wim Rautenbach’s gallery and workshop. Rautenbach is an acclaimed South African artist that has a very real and intimate love for this country and its beauty. The gallery specialises in fine art, community art and picture framing at reasonable prices.
The images of the landscapes are used to capture with paint on canvas what ‘spontaneous freedom’ and ‘spontaneous honesty’ really mean,” says Wim Rautenbach who... REQUEST TO REMOVEWIM RAUTENBACH ARTIST, RANDBURG, 220 SURREY AVENUE
Wim Rautenbach Wim was born in 1975 and matriculated at the Hoerskool Randburg in 1993 having done art as a subject. He completed the National Diploma in Fine Arts at the Technikon, Pretoria, majoring in painting and art history. His other subjects were Figure Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture and Ceramics.
Wim Rautenbach, landscape artist and owner of Stallery, lives in Rosendal where the tranquility of this beautiful town and surroundings serves as constant inspiration. Here you will find the artist at work during business hours. At the Stallery venue, Wim enjoys assisting young aspiring artist with free basic training.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Wim Rautenbach Artist through the links above.