Interested in Y.Bousquet Artist? On this page, we have collected links for you, where you will receive the most necessary information about Y.Bousquet Artist.
Lot 63: Yvon Bousquet c1960-70s High Relief Bouquet Flower. Auction Date: Jan 18, 2018 Estimate: $250 - $450 Description: Oil on canvas, featuring bouquet of flowers in high relief, painted c1960s; Yvon Bousquet (Canadian, 1923-1997); verso on top …
Follow Artist (1923-1997) Artist. View items sold at auction. Yvon Bousquet Sold at Auction ...
Yvon BOUSQUET (1923-1997) is an artist born in 1923 The oldest auction result ever registered on the website for an artwork by this artist is a painting sold in 2015, at Empire Auctions , and the most recent auction result is a painting sold in 2015.'s price levels for this artist are based on 1 auction results. Especially: painting.
May 17, 2016 · Jean Lamouroux (1933 - 2008) Le Sacre Coeur, Paris. Original Oil on Canvas. Canvas Size 44 x 56 1/4 inches. Well known French artist who traveled in …
Paysage (1971)Bousquet, Yvon (1923-1997)Oil on canvas, signed and dated on lower left Y. Bousquet 71 Weight and dimension60.96 x 91.44 cm24" x 36" Condition reportUpon request, We will gladly answer all your inquiries in a detailed manner
Bousquet, Yvon (1923-1997) Canadien Paysage Description (FR): Huile sur toile cartonnée, signée en bas à gauche Y. Bousquet Description (EN): Oil on canvas panel, signed on lower left Y. Bousquet Dimension (cm): 20.32 x 25.40 cm Dimension (po/inch): 8" x 10"
Y. BOUSQUET for auction. Still life with flowers 7.5" x 9.5" Type: Online-Only Auction: Price Realized: Lot Was Passed: Date Sold: 6/25/2018
Oil on canvas signed Y. Bousquet 1923 - 1997 for auction. well known Quebec artist 31X26 overall
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More from This Artist. Similar Designs. Le Hayes Island Print. Kenneth M Kirsch. Print: $37. Original: $3,750. 1 - 72 of 5,587 canadian landscape paintings for sale.
We hope you have found all the information you need about Y.Bousquet Artist through the links above.